New drywall
Since rain of any amount avoided our region for what seemed like months, we did not mind at first that the roofing contractor was not available until the next week. It was when he did not show up when he indicated that we began to be concerned. When it rained the next day, we were irate. Our new plastering that Bob worked so hard on now showed evidence of moisture leaking in through the damaged roof.
At this point, we decided that the roof needed to be taken care of immediately. With some invaluable help from my father (he did most of the work), the leaking roof was removed, repaired, sealed and replaced. In the end, I was glad to have done the work ourselves. Although it took the better part of a day, we diligently repaired aging boards and sealed every possible place where water could conceivably find a way into the house.
Shortly after the repairs the drought broke with some heavy rainfall, and I am happy to report that the roof held and our plaster remained dry!